LVCT Health

The Gender and COVID-19 Research Project Technical brief: HOW TO CREATE A GENDER RESPONSIVE PANDEMIC PLAN

Outbreaks differentially affect men, women and non-binary genders. These appear between contexts and over time. However, public health efforts to contain an outbreak, and mitigate its secondary health and socio-economic impacts, remain hindered by a lack of real-time gender analysis. Gender analysis considers how women and men experience crises and respond differently based on biological […]

The Gender and COVID-19 Research Project

COVID-19 gendered risks, impact & response: research and policy guidance Outbreaks differentially affect men, women and non-binary genders. These appear between contexts and over time. However, public health efforts to contain an outbreak, and mitigate its secondary health and socio- economic impacts, remain hindered by a lack of real-time gender analysis. Gender analysis considers how […]