LVCT Health

LVCT Health holds induction for its Dhibiti project team

Kiambu County, November 7: LVCT Health held an induction workshop for the new Dhibiti project staff. The three-day induction held in, Kiambu County, introduced the team to the LVCT Health core mandate, approach towards ending the HIV epidemic in Kenya, and expectations of the new Project. LVCT Health’s key technical staff from various programs and departments […]

CDC visits Vukisha95 project for a technical support supervision

Homa Bay County: Senior staff from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) visited Makongeni Sub-County Hospital in Homa Bay County to offer technical support for the HIV prevention and treatment program. Makongeni Sub-County Hospital is among the first government-owned facility in Kenya to integrate stand-alone Key Populations Drop-in Centers (DiCES) as part of […]