LVCT Dhibiti Project

LVCT Dhibiti Project

Taking control of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Region: Central Kenya

Funder: U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Project Duration: 2022-2027

Meet the Project Lead

Dr. Catherine Njigua

Programs Director and Project Director, LVCT Dhibiti

LVCT Health is implementing the Dhibiti project to support the implementation of Sustainable, Comprehensive, High-Quality HIV Prevention and Treatment Programs in four counties of central Kenya- Kiambu, Murang’a, Nyeri and Kirinyaga; as well as Key Population prevention interventions in Embu and Tharaka-Nithi counties.

LVCT Dhibiti Project is a five-year project funded by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC in Kenya).

Together with our partner Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) LVCT Health will utilize her extensive experiences with the different stakeholders to support county governments manage and implement quality HIV programs.

Project Objectives

  • Building on the achievements made through the PEPFAR/CDC Kenya work in Central Kenya to strengthen the county government’s ability to manage, sustain, and transition financing of HIV services to accelerate progress towards sustainable epidemic control and the 95:95:95 targets.
  • Strengthening the county government’s capacity to manage and sustain HIV services to accelerate progress towards sustainable epidemic control and the 95:95:95 targets.
  • Collaborating with the counties and community organizations to maximize organizational and leadership capacity for direct oversight and management of HIV service delivery and implement high-quality, evidence-informed HIV prevention and care and treatment programs

Target Population

In its five-year implementation, Dhibiti Project will scale up quality HIV prevention services for key populations, priority populations, adolescent girls and young women and general populations, including health care providers across the target counties. A key feature of the project approach includes supporting human resources for health and enhancing data collection, use and reporting at all health system levels while employing electronic data management systems.  

Our Strategic Interventions

Among the key areas of support is the Health Systems Strengthening (HSS), including leadership, governance, and financing of HIV services.

HIV/TB case Identification

Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission (eMTCT)

HIV Care and Treatment with reduction of interruption in treatment (IIT)

HIV prevention focusing on key and priority populations

Health Systems Strengthening

Laboratory quality management systems; Institutionalization of quality improvement (QI) strategies, Health Information Systems (HIS), Health Financing, and Human Resource for Health Management

Where we Work

Expected Outcomes

Strengthened county-led health systems as evidenced by increased resource allocation

Enhanced leadership and implementation of the HIV program by the County Health Management Teams (CHMTs)

Improved coverage and quality of HIV services for all populations, resulting in reduced HIV incidence and improved health outcomes

Reduced morbidity and mortality among persons living with HIV (PLHIV) including those with tuberculosis (TB)

Elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV