LVCT Health

Opportunities favour the determined

After high school, Lencer did not have much of a plan. She had done well in her exams, but her results were not good enough for the competitive government-sponsorship she required to attend university. This, coupled with the fact that she also had younger siblings meant that Lencer’s educational journey halted prematurely. Lencer idled around […]

LVCT Health at the Global Health Practitioner Conference

Join us during the Global Health Practitioner Conference that will take place from 14th – 16th October in Nairobi,Kenya. LVCT will be leading an interactive session on, How to (and not to do) Quality Improvement and Community Health. The session leverages on LVCT Health`s years of experience in building quality community health systems that focuses on community voices […]

Reflections from the UN High level meeting on Universal Health Coverage – a major step towards attaining the SDGs

One of the major events that happened at the United Nations General Assembly this year was the UN High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC).  The event was held on 23rd September 2019 in New York City and I was privileged to attend and witness this historic event. The declaration builds on SDG target […]

My Dreams are Valid

Nothing has come easy for Carol, 20, a casual laborer and part-time student who lives in Kenya’s largest informal settlement, Kibera. Carol’s struggles began when she was only 5 months old. Her mother left her in the care of her grandmother and never returned. While her age-mates are gently easing their way into adulthood, Carol […]

LVCT Health supports Mental Health awareness

LVCT Health Youth program partnered with Josiah G. Memorial Kariuki foundation to create awareness on mental health among adolescents and youth. Mental illness is common in Kenya, with prevalence rates of 4% for major mental disorders, which is comparable with the prevalence rates reported in high-income countries. Poverty, unemployment, internal conflict, displacement and HIV) add […]

LVCT Health endorses the 3rd International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence

We are pleased to endorse and participate at the 3rd International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence to be held in 2nd -4th October 2019, Nairobi, Kenya. The International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence is a key platform that brings together researchers, implementers, youth and other stakeholders working with adolescents affected by and living with HIV. Through developing collaborations and […]

Learning collaborative to support Oral PrEP roll out in Kiambu County, Kenya

The Kiambu County and the OPTIONS Consortium, hosted by LVCT Health and Kiambu County Health Management  Team conducted a three-day Learning Collaborative with health policy makers, program implementers and community-based organizations to share experiences and resources on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) – a daily HIV prevention drug for individuals experiencing ongoing HIV risk. The Learning Collaborative […]