LVCT Health

Quality improvement training a tool to empower community health volunteers document their work

In Kenya, Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) are arguably one of the most important and useful cadres of health services providers because: They live within the community and regularly interact with the community members that they serve They gather the data at the community level The data they collect is used to make decisions at higher […]

19th ICASA conference 2017

THE BIGGEST AIDS CONFERENCE IN AFRICA The International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA) is a major international AIDS conference which takes place in Africa. It is a very important conference as Africa has one of the largest populations living with HIV. Currently biennial, it alternates hosting between Anglophone and Francophone […]

Tested violence against women prevention interventions: adapt or tear apart?

Over the years, several innovations have been developed and tested to address violence against women (VAW) and girls. These interventions seek to strengthen prevention and/or response to violence against women and girls. They include SASA! , IMAGES, Bystander Intervention, Skhokho Supporting Success, Good School Tool Kit, amongst others. While positive results have been achieved through these models in the countries […]

Youth na plan – youth involvement in HIV prevention

The Bi- annual Maisha Conference 2017 organized by National AIDS Control Council (NACC) and its partners, was held between the 28th and 31st May 2017 at the Hilton Hotel in Nairobi. Preceded by a very lively, sprightly and creative day dubbed the “Youth Symposium”, and themed, “Youth na Plan”. It brought together young people from all walks of life and a near full representation from all 47 counties in Kenya.

Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) framework and HIV self testing operational guidelines launched in Kenya

According to National AIDS Control Council (NACC), Dr. Nduku Kilonzo, everything in HIV starts and ends with behavior. There is a need to start investing heavily to reach the unreached HIV infected people and link them to care and treatment. There- fore, it is vital to take these innovative products to the people. Making use of these products is the only way they will make the difference they are intended to make.

Support groups a driver to PrEP rollout in Kenya

Kenya passed a major milestone in the fight against HIV on May 4, 2017 when it launched a nation-wide initiative to bring oral PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), antiretroviral drugs for preventing HIV, to the people who need it. The hope that oral PrEP will help defeat HIV comes after important clinical studies, which showed the safety of the drugs and their ability to prevent infectioln if taken correctly and consistently. But what works in the lab has to work in the real world too.

Reflections on the maisha HIV and AIDS conference: addressing the HIV and GBV dual epidemic in Kenya

Kenya passed a major milestone in the fight against HIV on May 4, 2017 when it launched a nation-wide initiative to bring oral PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), antiretroviral drugs for preventing HIV, to the people who need it. The hope that oral PrEP will help defeat HIV comes after important clinical studies, which showed the safety of the drugs and their ability to prevent infectioln if taken correctly and consistently. But what works in the lab has to work in the real world too.