Our Commitment to Safeguarding

LVCT Health is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct in our work, where we work in and populations we serve.

We believe in safeguarding programme participants and staff from all forms of exploitation and abuse and expect our staff and third parties (partners, sub grantees, volunteers, visitors, interns, vendors or other contracted parties) to share this commitment by appreciating and promoting lawful and ethical conduct.

Our reputation and trust of our staff, donors, partners and any other third party associated with LVCT Health is critical to our vision of empowered, healthy  and resilient communities.

Download our Safeguarding Policy

What does safeguarding mean for us?

Safeguarding is about protecting children and vulnerable adults from harm within our programs and activities. This includes the prevention of exploitation and abuse as well as any harm caused by our failure to take reasonable care.

LVCT Health has always been committed to Preventing and addressing ‘any sexual exploitation, abuse or harassment of anyone, at the office, communities and/or research staff, plus any broader forms of violence, exploitation, and abuse, such as bullying, psychological abuse, and physical violence’.

Who can raise a concern?

Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone. Anyone at LVCT Health including (partners, sub grantees, volunteers, visitors, interns, vendors or other contracted parties) can raise concern, suspicion or incident which indicate actual or potential abuse or exploitation of vulnerable populations to LVCT Health without fear of retribution.

Safeguarding and child protection

Protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm in the communities where we work is central to achieving our mission of empowering healthy communities.

Download our Child Protection Policy

Reporting abuse or malpractice

If you know or suspect any unethical behavior or incident that imply significant risk to LVCT Health, such as fraud, misuse of funds or resources, sexual exploitation and abuse, bribery or conflict of interest, you can safely report such concerns or violations in a confidential and timely manner any time or day using the following communication channels:

Email: PSEAcommittee@lvcthealth.org

Telephone: +254 704 053 850


– All cases reported will be referred to the appropriate safeguarding team to investigate.

– All information received will be treated in confidence in line with our internal processes.

– Efforts will be made to inform the complainant or whistle blower of the outcome of the investigation and action proposed if any.